Optelecom NKF's recently introduced multi-codec Siqura S-60 D-MC decoder is "a unique and valuable solution since it can automatically recognize and decompress MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and H.264 into excellent quality images for analog viewing with very little latency," the company says. "Through a user-friendly Web interface, it is possible to configure an array of features, ranging from serial data streams, duplex audio, and I/O contacts with IP."
The decoder is available with an optional SFP slot, which makes it possible to deploy it in fiber-optic as well as twisted-pair copper cabling systems. Optelecom says the decoders are standardized to common protocols, allowing for simple integration into third-party VMS systems.
Decoding, Optelecom explains, "is one of the most important aspects of video streaming. It is the phase through which it becomes possible to view images. Yet decoding is a complex part of compression since there are several different types of encoders that can transmit video using an array of different compression standards. Moreover, each standard allows for a wide range of profiles with flexible implementation options. As a result, decoders must be able to recognize and appropriately make a quality image out of the video information they receive from a given encoder." The Siqura S-60 D-MC's ability to automatically recognize and decompress MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and H.264 makes it valuable for that reason, the company explains.
See related article: Controlling IP CCTV network bandwidth.