IDATE forecasts the global FTTx market to reach 198 million subscribers by 2015.
The French technology research firm IDATE has released a white paper entitled FTTX 2012 - Markets & Trends - Facts & Figures. The firm projects that the worldwide ultra-fast broadband access market (FTTH/B and VDSL combined) will grow steadily in coming years, to reach 198 million subscribers by 2015.
"Naturally, the rate of progress will not be the same across the board, as each national market will be shaped by the country’s intrinsic features and its players," states IDATE.
Against a backdrop of pioneer rollouts and recent announcements, the white paper addresses several questions that have emerged on the topic of FTTx, including:
-- How is the FTTx market segmented? (Public vs. private initiatives; Telcos vs. utilities)
-- At what pace will FTTx networks be deployed, and using which technologies?
-- What strategies will the different players employ post-rollout to enhance migration from broadband to FTTx?
-- What regulatory measures could impede operators’ investments?
-- What impact will FTTH have on the current broadband market and competition?
-- Which role are cable operators playing and how are they positioning themselves on the market? Read the white paper here.