The six-port M12 passive junction box from Turck was designed to integrate multiple devices into a single unit, the company explains. “Featuring a compact, low-profile design, the six-port model allows simple installation in diverse factory automation applications,” the company said when announcing the product, “ranging from packaging and automotive to material handling and mobile equipment.”
The box accommodates one or two discrete signals per port and can consolidate several devices in an area to one device—when is then connected to a controller via a single cable. “This eliminates each device requiring its own individual cable, delivering a more-cost-effective, streamlined connectivity solution,” Turck added.
The company’s connectivity product manager, Jeff Schoenberg, commented, “Offering flexible integration capabilities, the new six-port M12 passive junction box offers our customers dependable connectivity performance in virtually any industrial or factory-automation application. Plus with a compact, fully encapsulated housing, the junction box ensures easy installation and superior strength and ingress resistance in harsh environments.”