Klein Tools’ new lead set has up to twice the operating-temperature range of PVC leads.
Klein Tools' Universal Premium Silicone Test Lead Set
Klein Tools recently expanded its test-and-measurement accessories line with the addition of the Universal Premium Silicone Test Lead Set. “These silicone-insulated test leads withstand more extreme temperatures—up to 2x the operating temperature range—than PVC test leads,” the company said. “In addition, the more-durable banana plug and probe strain reliefs as well as the built-in wear indicator on probe wires, make these leads tougher and more reliable than regular test leads.”
Klein says the banana-style inputs are compatible with most multimeters and clamp meters. The 48-inch leads operate in temperatures from -4 to +131 degrees Fahrenheit (-20 to +55 degrees Celsius).
Sean O’Flaherty, senior product manager of test and measurement with Klein Tools, commented, “With the frigid temperatures we have experienced over the past few seasons, a more-resilient test-lead set is a requirement in any tradesman’s tool bag. By utilizing Klein’s new Universal Premium Silicone Test lead, you can get the job done in environments with extreme temperatures, particularly when working outdoors in severely cold weather.”