Leviton announced the opening of its new data center-focused manufacturing facility in Bloomingdale, Illinois. The factory opening was celebrated with customers and channel partners on June 25, 2014.
The new factory produces an array of highly customized pre-terminated copper and fiber optics systems that were previously made at the company’s facility in St. Charles, Illinois. With the latest technologies and larger capacity, Leviton says the new Bloomingdale factory enables it to increase production and rapidly supply customers for their mission-critical data center projects.
The new Leviton Network Solutions facility is located at 471 Fox Court, Bloomingdale, Ill. 60108, and can be reached by telephone at 630.237.3360. Headquarters for the Leviton Network Solutions business is located in Bothell, Washington, outside of Seattle.
“This investment affirms Leviton as the smart choice for our data center customers around the globe, with innovative products, industry-leading service and a high return on infrastructure investment (ROii),” says Ross Goldman, executive vice president and general manager of Leviton Network Solutions. “In terms of local customers, Leviton has served the Chicago area for more than 60 years, and with our new Bloomingdale factory we continue this commitment.”
Learn more at leviton.com/ns.