Graybar, General Cable map 'the future of structured cabling systems'
Jan. 21, 2015
General Cable recently surveyed end-users, engineers, consultants, installers and contractors to obtain a comprehensive view of the structured cable market -- how it stands today and where it’s going.
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A recent technical webinar from Graybar and General Cable was entitled, The Future of Structured Cabling Systems. Moderated by Graybar's Karl Griffith, the online presentation featured General Cable's Matt Gentile, product manager, datacom products, and Scott Brown, the company's director of technology communications products.
"The enterprise cable market has experienced tremendous transformation in the past 20 years," notes Graybar in the webinar's set-up remarks. "From rapid growth in the late 90s and early 2000s, to decline and eventual stabilization in the last 10 years, the industry has witnessed growth, commoditization, evolving standards and new technologies. To understand how these past two decades of market development will shape the future, General Cable surveyed end-users, engineers, consultants, installers and contractors to obtain a comprehensive view of the structured cable market -- how it stands today and where it’s going. Understanding the impact of wireless technologies, fiber and other competing solutions will be critical as we all determine how to best serve the needs of the structured cable market in the future."
The webinar presents the insights gathered from the survey.