As a famous man once wrote, perhaps because it is always true. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of of times..."
And yet, for as long as there's been telegraphs, lights, telephones, computers, wired and wireless networks, etc., and cables and hardware and workers to connect them, throughout the gathering decades of the information and communications technology (ICT) industry, a singularly dramatic and disturbing entity has always been with us -- always.
Of course we speak of cabling spaghetti -- the monstrous child of prolonged "cablefail" and "cablegore" site conditions, as reckoned by Reddit's social media photo sub-groups for those in the trade. Not unlike baseball, the Cabling Spaghetti Monster, a highly secular phenomenon, endures through the ages...
"Worship" is a strong word.
But we see your point.
We see what you did there.
Indeed, as untangled in explanation by Reddit/Cablegore original poster (OP) u/szaybus:
"I have to do it tomorrow and I think I will cut everything and rewire it anew since untangling this nightmare is impossible.
The wires were taped together while being physically installed (by floor and/or building wing) then someone wired the panels by some untold logic and zip-tied everything together.... Those blue ones for example are WiFi access points - one per floor and are run by sftp that has no sense whatsoever since both ends are terminated in utp connectors...
It's gonna be a long Sunday..."
It's a bit much.
Now you're talking.
Putting the "ehhhhh" in Pro AV.