Leading off its monthly news, the FOA announced that it has updated and expanded its "Fiber Optic Projects" resources for teachers, kids and parents. Per the FOA newsletter:
FOA has always had free resources for STEM teachers in the K-12 range as well as our certification curriculum for technical colleges and professional training. The current need for more online information for students has led us to make some major changes recently to our support programs for teachers.
Several of our fiber-optic classroom projects use plastic optical fiber (POF), which uses a regular laser pointer and a sample of POF available from FOA to show how fiber optics communicates using pulses of light.
To add to the technical aspects of fiber optics and help teachers create lesson plans that include more theory, including math, we've added sections on the speed of light (how long does a pulse take to go from New York to London?), wavelengths of light, total internal reflection and even wavelength division multiplexing.
While many of the projects the FOA offers as resources for teachers are suitable for use in grades K-12, the new projects are mainly aimed at grades 7-12.