R&M recently launched the SYNO S-500, a high-density version of the SYNO dome closure. This splice closure adds options for network providers to expand hybrid fiber optic infrastructures. The SYNO S-500 is an outdoor closure that has twice the splice capacity of standard types and supports both single fiber and ribbon fiber jointly.
R&M’s latest closure can accommodate up to eight ST-500 splice trays with up to three splice holders being usable in each tray. The SYNO S-500 has six trays that can hold 432 single-fiber or 2,592 ribbon fiber splices with the higher-density version, the SYNO S-500 HD, offering a third more capacity.
The closure has eight cable entry bays for standard round cables, micro ducts, and ribbon cables. On top of this, single fiber splices, splitters, and ribbon fiber splices can be put next to one and other on the splice carriers. This gives technicians the ability to easily install, distribute, and manage a high quantity of fibers in a small space. The cabling can also be retrofitted or adapted at any point in time and the gel seal of the SYNO S-500 can be resealed.
This closure can be utilized for aerial and underground cabling, and the company recommends it for areas where FTTH infrastructures are to be increased rapidly and ready for future applications. R&M also provides a customer-specific pre-termination service.