A video recently produced by High Speed Interconnects (HSI) compares the phase stability of one of its own coaxial assemblies to that of another assembly. HSI—an extruder and manufacturer of coaxial cable and assemblies—says its use of the proprietary VP90 expanded PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) fluoropolymer in its assemblies enables them to achieve excellent electrical-performance under difficult conditions.
“Not only does the HSI cable assembly outperform the competitor’s insertion-loss, the HSI cable phase-stability trace remains rock steady, even after it’s wrapped tightly around a 2.25-inch mandrel and crumbled,” the company said when announcing the video’s availability. “The competitor phase-stability trace fluctuates wildly under flexure and does not return to its original state even after it is no longer flexed,” HSI boasted.
The company further explained that all of its 16- to 52-AWG coaxial cables are extruded to withstand flexure, and are terminated to transmit signals without compromising voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), insertion loss and phase stability. Connector options available for HSI’s assemblies include SMA, MMCX, MMPX, SMP, SSMP, 0.5-, 0.4-, 0.3- and 0.2-mm connectors.
“Today’s high-performance systems demand interconnects to be flexed in any direction while delivering exceptional signal integrity at high data speeds, regardless of environment,” the company said.
You can watch the video here.