ADVA this week announced that CSC – IT Center for Science, which operates the Finnish University and Research Network (FUNET), has set an industry record by transporting 800 Gbit/s farther than ever before over a live network. According to a press statement, using the ADVA FSP 3000 TeraFlex CoreChannel system, FUNET’s succeeded in transmitting data at 800 Gbit/s on links exceeding 2,000 km.
The partners say the field trial shows how network operators can leverage new value in existing large-scale infrastructure and how FUNET can empower the Nordics’ academics and scientists to achieve even more. Harnessing 140 GBd sub-carrier technology, ADVA’s new CoreChannel sled leverages 150GHz channel spacing, enabling the TeraFlex platform to deliver the market’s longest reach for a single-channel 800Gbit/s solution.
The addition of the new CoreChannel sled ranks ADVA’s FSP 3000 TeraFlex platform among the industry’s most efficient high-capacity open optical terminal for all applications from metro to submarine links. Now, trials in the ultra-long-haul FUNET transport system have proven the platform's compatibility with deployed infrastructure and shown that it offers excellent performance in a live flexgrid network built with multi-degree ROADMs and RAMAN amplifiers.
Jani Myyry, senior network specialist, CSC/FUNET, commented, “ADVA’s FSP 3000 TeraFlex CoreChannel at 800Gbit/s speed delivered impressive reach during our tests and was stable throughout the month-long test period when we ran it on our nationwide ADVA open line system. The new 800Gbit/s channel technology will give us more flexibility to choose optimum modulation per use case to improve spectral efficiency. And, more importantly, it maps efficiently to 400GbE client services. This field trial demonstrates that our network can smoothly support future requirements and deliver even more to our users in the Finnish research and education community. It also will strengthen our confidence that the first multi-Terabit services we aim to deliver early next year together with other Nordic research and education networks can be implemented successfully.”
The partners note the TeraFlex CoreChannel also delivers superior SNR capabilities, making it resilient to transmission impairments. Featuring multi-rate client support, the CoreChannel sled can also transport any mix of 400GbE, 100GbE and 10GbE services, protecting operators' investments and providing complete flexibility.
Cornelius Fürst, director, product line management, ADVA, concluded, “It’s fantastic to see our FSP 3000 TeraFlex with CoreChannel sled pass this major test with such flying colors. Even over the FUNET network’s longest distances, the solution surpassed expectations and showed how incredible speeds are now possible at the lowest possible cost per bit per kilometer. One of the reasons our FSP 3000 TeraFlex CoreChannel is able to provide such great long-haul performance is that it carries data at 800Gbit/s using a 150GHz window. Not only does this help to reduce complexity and avoid stranded bandwidth, but it also makes the technology future-proof. 150GHz is the channel spacing that offers the best balance between fiber capacity and optical reach. That’s why it’s gaining traction across the industry and why our open FSP 3000 TeraFlex CoreChannel sled is ready for new innovation further down the line.”