A brief guide produced by Fluke Networks and available from Graybar walks users through the many testing requirements of a data center environment. As the guide states, "Data center professionals are responsible for the storage, management and dissemination of data and information - a huge task in our data-reliant society. Many people count on them to deliver the information they need, whenever they need it. The professionals working in this critical business need to be able to rely on their tools."
The guide includes a diagram of a data center, shown at the bottom of this page, which can be used for illustrative purposes. The indicators on the diagram (blue circles, red squares, orange stars, and others) indicate the areas of the data center where certain test tools can or should be used. The tools span a wide range of applications and capabilities, from copper and fiber cable testers to digital multimeters, infrared thermometers, clamp meters and other test gear.
The guide categorizes the issues faced, and test equipment needed into three groups: IT/MIS management (facilities director), IT/MIS staff (engineer), and HVAC/IAQ technician.
The guide is available on Graybar's web site; anyone can immediately download the guide by registering.
Download the guide here.