More "on-the-money" structured cabling site work photos, as immortalized at social media's Reddit.
Welcome to our periodic round-up of the most "on-the-money" structured cabling site work photos, as found immortalized on social media at Reddit's 'Cableporn' sub-community.
Credit - Reddit
"My PM's words were, 'That's why we pay you the big bucks..." -- Reddit/Cablefail OP [orig. poster]: JAIF
Credit - Reddit"The broadcast studio where I work." -- Reddit/Cablefail OP [orig. poster]: 6ane
Credit - Reddit
"That must be one crazy patch panel..." -- Reddit/Cablefail OP [orig. poster]: sasschary
"Door access controllers. Each board is 2 doors, so 16 doors per cabinet. Printers used to be top of my hate list. With this new facility, doors now take the top spot with a healthy lead. I can't take credit, I am the IT Director and hired all of this out. Original cabinets were rackmounted slide-out. Cables all over the floor, slack management not good. So salvaged the boards, re-routed and re-laid all the cables. A ton of work but worth it I think. I can’t speak highly enough about the guy that did this." -- Reddit/Cablefail OP [orig. poster]: DeereGreen