AFL’s aerial fiber splice closures now rodent-resistant
March 8, 2013
AFL has incorporated a non-toxic anti-rodent concentrate into the plastic pellets used in molding its aerial splice closures.
AFL announced that it has incorporated a non-toxic anti-rodent concentrate into the plastic pellets used in molding its aerial splice closures. The new additive is completely toxin-free and will not cause harm to animals or the environment; however, the concentrate will give the plastic an unpleasant taste, deterring animals from chewing on closures.
Acting on a study by a large Internet Service Provider, AFL learned that 17 percent of overall network damage is caused by squirrels nibbling on fiber-optic cables. AFL conducted research and concluded that by adding an environmentally safe, non-toxic concentrate network damage caused by rodents could be reduced.
AFL’s LightGuard family of aerial weathertight splice closures is designed to provide a cost-effective solution for aerial splicing in a variety of outside plant applications. Through rigorous engineering, the closures have been proven to reduce installation time and the complexity associated with fiber splicing in the field, says the company. The aerial closures have been designed to be installed without the need for special tools, heat, adhesives, drills or powered equipment.