I just pointed my browser back to your [home] page for the first time in a couple of months, and I like the new look. I appreciate that we in the cabling business now have an interactive forum with an excellent publication and some of its writers and editors.
I just pointed my browser back to your [home] page for the first time in a couple of months, and I like the new look. I appreciate that we in the cabling business now have an interactive forum with an excellent publication and some of its writers and editors.
A mention of your new look in the next issue of Cabling Installation & Maintenance might bring a few more hits. I know that I will be spreading the news. Also, would it be possible to reproduce past Installer Tips on the Web pages? They really do carry some great information.
Keep up the good work.
William Brownlow
Computer Sciences Corp.
Rockville, MD
Thanks for the kudos. We will discuss your request at the next editorial meeting.--Ed