Use your tape measure as a portable cable-grabber

Jan. 1, 1999
Your installation partner throws a coil of cable to you, but it lands just out of your reach. You`re on a ladder above a ceiling so you can`t lean far enough to grab it because the ladder will probably tip.

Levi Gregory, Ohio Valley Connections


Your installation partner throws a coil of cable to you, but it lands just out of your reach. You`re on a ladder above a ceiling so you can`t lean far enough to grab it because the ladder will probably tip.


Take your tape measure out of your tool pouch, use it to hook the cable coil, and pull the coil toward you. By doing this, you`ll avoid leaning dangerously over the ceiling tile, which you`ll damage if you should tip the ladder.


1) First, make sure you always wear your tool pouch. And also be certain you carry your tape measure in the pouch and that the tape is easily accessible--not buried somewhere in clutter.

2) When you are on a ladder and an object is just out of your reach, grab the tape measure from your pouch.

3) While maintaining your balance, extend the tape measure far enough so it will reach the object you`re trying to get.

4) Pull the object toward you, again being careful to maintain your balance atop the ladder.

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Careful use of your tape measure while on top of a ladder can allow you to reach coiled cable or other objects that might otherwise require more time and effort. Shown here is a technician reaching for a coil using his tape measure.

Levi Gregory is president of Ohio Valley Connections (Norwich, OH) and a bicsi-certified technician. This tip was a runner-up at the Cabling Installer Tips` Contest at Cabling Installation Expo `98, held last October in Atlanta, GA.

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