From the July, 2012 Issue of Cabling Installation & Maintenance Magazine
When assembling the puzzle pieces that make up this issue, we did not intentionally drive nearly every article toward a theme of efficiency. But it looks like it worked out that way.
Collectively, the contents of this issue make a case that there are opportunities to gain efficiencies in just about every aspect of cabling-system administration. From the earliest planning stages to installation and ultimate ownership of cabling and other building systems, efficiencies are there for the taking.
They can come in many forms, as we detail in these pages. From building information modeling software (page 7) to the architectures for switching within data centers (page 23), we explain some of the steps that can be taken long before a single cable is pulled to maximize the return-on-effort. As you will see, we might be talking about a large-scale new-building construction project, or the design of a virtualized, cloud data center. The thinking and planning that take place up front will have significant implications after the project is completed and the building/network owner is left to maintain it.
The article that provides our front-cover photo for this issue takes an interesting look at energy efficiency as it relates to the operation of the so-called cherry picker or bucket truck (page 17). Taking a look at the everyday tasks of outside-plant cabling installers who spend much of their time in the bucket, the article discusses some relatively new technology that promises green rewards on two fronts: environmental stewardship and money saved.
That "two shades of green" reference also applies to the coverage we give to a lighting system that uses light-emitting diodes, operates over direct-current rather than alternating-current power, and relies on twisted-pair copper cabling as its infrastructure (page 11). LEDs are widely recognized for their energy efficiency, and this article explains how and why this type of technology is bringing opportunities in the lighting market to professionals in all spheres of the structured cabling industry.
We hope that the overriding theme of efficiency pervading this issue of our magazine is emblematic of what we're all about. Our goal is to provide you with information that helps you do your job better and more efficiently. That's been our unofficial tagline for quite a while. Of course, you're the one who can judge the extent to which we are fulfilling that ambition.
As always, we welcome your direct feedback on how we're doing. ::
Chief Editor [email protected]