Stratos provides communication network for Mount Kilimanjaro expedition
Oct. 16, 2000
Stratos Global Corporation's (Toronto, ON; remote communications network was used during a Mount Kilimanjaro expedition.
Stratos Global Corporation's (Toronto, ON; remote communications network was used during a Mount Kilimanjaro expedition. Stratos provided the Mount Kilimanjaro expedition team with an Inmarsat-M4 terminal, which combined with the company's StratosNet service, made it possible for the team to send and receive voice, high speed data (HSD), video conferencing, and web streaming communication services throughout the journey. Stratos' Inmarsat-M4 service supports web access, Internet e-mail, video conferencing, image transfer, web streaming, and broadcast quality audio. StratosNet is used to optimize the service through integrated compression software and Stratos' proprietary messaging technology.