July 24, 2001 IMAP recently announced that the training class for its cable-management software package, docIT, was awarded 18 continuing education credits (CECs) by BICSI.
July 24, 2001 IMAP (www.imap.textron.com) recently announced that the training class for its cable-management software package, docIT, was awarded 18 continuing education credits (CECs) by BICSI (www.bicsi.org).
"BICSI's award of 18 CECs for our cable-management training is a stamp of approval by another well-recognized industry organization, and will provide members with the necessary skills to continue their essential professional growth," said Steve Vallejos, division manager of IMAP.
BICSI requires holders of its registrations and certifications to attend approved courses so that the professional-development activities during the members' registration period can be documented.
IMAP said its training course is held at a BICSI training facility in the Bay Area, close to IMAP's Pleasant Hill, CA location. The company can also provide the course at user sites.