TIA Predicts Deployment of Fiber Will Continue to Grow
April 6, 2001
April 6, 2001 The number of fiber miles deployed by carriers jumped an estimated 68.7 percent in 2000 after growing by 55.7 percent in 1999.
The number of fiber miles deployed by carriers jumped an estimated 68.7 percent in 2000 after growing by 55.7 percent in 1999, reports the 2001 MultiMedia Telecommunications Market Review and Forecast, a publication produced annually by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) www.tiaonline.org. The incumbent local exchange carriers (ILEC) market grew by 97.7 percent and is expected to grow by 29.6 percent during 2001. Deployment of fiber by competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) including cable television deployment of broadband, rose an estimated 23.2 percent in 2000 and is expected to continue growing by 28.2 percent in 2001. CLECs are expected to be the fastest growing market segment over the 2000-2004 period. Fiber deployment among CLECs will increase at a projected 17.1 percent compound annual rate compared with 13.2 percent annual growth by interexchange carriers (IXCs) and 12.5 percent growth for ILECs during 2000-2004. To obtain a copy of the report, call (703) 907-7714 or e-mail [email protected].