February 20, 2001 Cahners In-Stat Group, Broadband Week, and CED are conducting Broadband Study.
Cahners In-Stat Group, (www.instat.com), Broadband Week, and CED (Communications Engineering & Design) are conducting a research study entitled "Moving Towards Broadband Ubiquity." The study is aimed at measuring broadband deployment and implementation over the coming years against two groups: broadband service providers and business end-users. Cahners In-Stat Group is seeking qualified study participants from the two groups in order to complete the study. The study will be offered free of charge to those who register to receive it. Those involved in broadband implementation or broadband corporate buying decisions may participate in the study via an online survey at: www. intellisurvey.com/run/broadband%20 . For those who do not wish to participate in the survey - sign up now to receive results upon release of the study in early April 2001: www. instat.com/bbsurvey/signup.asp ).