As a wise person once said, it's increasingly Youtube's world - we just live in it. So let me also state that I'm definitely not above highlighting, at this blog, any cleverly made or otherwise highly watchable video ad for cabling infrastructure products that seems particularly entertaining or informative, based on the merits of aesthetic quality alone.
So these recent ads from Specified Technologies, Inc. (STI), depicting the value proposition of its EZ-Path family of firestop cable management products, have a lot of that, i.e. aesthetic quality. One is animated, the next blends CAD and 'live' cabling installation footage backed by a kicking rock music soundtrack -- both are more than usually fun to watch, IMO. But you be the judge!
"Continuous cable changes can turn your fire and smoke barriers into Swiss cheese. And running cable through traditional firestop sleeves isn't easy..."
I'll periodically continue to highlight any other brilliant "cabling commercials" (so to speak) - or ads for other types of innovative products within our industry (check this site's top toolbar of Topic Centers) - that I run across, in this space. If you happen to see, or know of, an ad that you find particuarly smart or zesty, feel free to send it along to my email as listed above - or even post it to CablingInstall's Facebook page. We always welcome your feedback! -- MV
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