The Gold Innovators Awards recognize an excellent innovation, the benefits of which are clear. A Gold-level Innovators Award recipient makes a substantial improvement over previous methods employed, approaches taken, or products/systems used.
The awards program's judging panel consisted of cabling and communications system specifiers, designers, integrators and managers with vast professional experience.
About Cabling Installation & Maintenance
Published since 1993, Cabling Installation & Maintenance has provided practical information to professionals responsible for the specification, design, installation and management of structured cabling systems in enterprises, data centers and campuses. Cabling Installation & Maintenance's magazine, website (, email newsletters and webcasts help cabling professionals improve day-to-day operations and enable strategic planning for their networks' optimum long-term performance.
About The Cabling Installation & Maintenance 2018 Innovators Awards program
The Cabling Installation & Maintenance 2018 Innovators Awards program reviews and recognizes the most-innovative applications of cabling and communications technology products and systems within the structured cabling industry. Platinum, Gold, and Silver Honorees were announced at BICSI's 2018 Fall Conference in San Antonio, TX on Monday, September 10, 2018. Criteria used in the Innovators Awards ranking included: innovation, value, sustainability, collaboration, and impact.