For Episode 2 of The Cabling Podcast, CI&M senior editor Matt Vincent sits down with a longtime friend of the brand, Ethernet Alliance (EA) chair Peter Jones.
The discussion ranges from recent Ethernet Alliance activities (01:13), including the consortium's latest Power over Ethernet Certification program announcement (02:48), and an update on Single Pair Ethernet technology (03:40) with Peter also addressing Ethernet-APL systems technology developments (05:03).
Peter then reflects on the spread of Wi-Fi 6 technology (12:27), before providing a description of the background and development of the technology consortium's recently launched Voices of Ethernet oral archive project (15:43).
An update on the EA's rescheduled High Speed Networking (HSN) Plugfest is then provided (19:35).
The discussion wraps up with the podcast's kickoff round of "Cabling Triumph vs. Cabling Tragedy," a discussion (24:05) of select ICT structured cabling photos as featured in recent articles at