CEA, CEDIA unveil symbols software for ANSI J-STD-710 audio, video and control applications

Aug. 6, 2015
New software defines architectural drawing symbols for use in Microsoft Visio, AutoCAD and more.

The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) R10 Residential Systems committee has announced the availability of software versions of the symbols defined in the publication of the ANSI J-STD-710 (CEA/CEDIA-2039) Audio, Video and Control Architectural Drawing Symbols Standard, announced in April.

The new standard defines a common set of floor plan icons that represents all facets of pre-wire and installation of electronic systems, products and devices in residential and commercial environments. “CEA was very pleased to work with CEDIA and InfoComm on this important industry standard,” comments Dave Wilson, VP of technology and standards for CEA. “Common symbols will help to ensure that home design projects are completed as planned no matter who does the planning, or who does the building."

CEA notes that standardized symbols on plans allow architects, designers, builders, and electronic systems contractors (ESC) to share information, making home technology planning and design easy. Layouts designed with such symbols help minimize miscommunication among all parties involved by easily identifying the locations of installed technologies, whether they are equipment, devices, sensors, control interfaces or cabling.

Software file formats for the symbols are in black and white and include:

.dwg for use with AutoCAD and compatible software
.vss stencils for use with Microsoft Visio
.png graphics with transparent backgrounds
.jpg standard graphic format with white backgrounds
.gif graphics with transparent backgrounds
.tif graphics for printing, non-transparent

“Not only was the architectural drawings standard a huge milestone for the low-voltage industry but it took a very important step of providing the actual symbols themselves,” asserts Walt Zerbe, product manager, audio, for OnQ Legrand and NuVo; and Chairman of CEA's R10 Residential Systems Committee. "All of the actual symbols are included with the standard in trusted industry formats which can be loaded into your favorite design and layout software tools.”

Symbols software may be purchased at www.bedrocklearning.com. The recently published standard is available free of charge through TechStreet.

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