IEEE 802.3bm 40/100-Gbit Ethernet standard available for free download
July 7, 2016
The 40/100G-over-fiber standard was completed by the IEEE 802.3bm Task Force in 2015.
Before specifying a fiber-optic 40- or 100-Gbit/sec network, consult the IEEE 802.3bm standard. Through the IEEE Get program, the Institute has made the standard available for free download.
As part of its IEEE Get Program, the Institute of Electrical And Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has made the 802.3bm standard—specifying 40- and 100-Gbit/sec Ethernet transmission over fiber—available for free download. The 802.3bm standard was completed in 2015 and, as with other documents available through the Get Program, it became downloadable free-of-charge once it had been available as a PDF document for six months. The document’s official title is IEEE Standard for Ethernet – Amendment 3: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Operation over Fiber Optic Cables.
The IEEE has established certain terms of use, to which an individual must agree before downloading the document. Among the terms of use are that the individual may retrieve, download and print one copy of the document for personal use, and may retain one additional copy as a personal archive copy. Unless otherwise allowed by law, individuals may not further copy, prepare, or distribute copies of the document, nor significant portions of it, without the IEEE’s written permission.