Network World's Jim Duffy recently put together his list of "8 Ethernet predictions for 2014."
"Among the many expectations for IT in 2014, Ethernet is projected to broaden its penetration in the metro area and the WAN," writes Duffy. "The ubiquitous technology will become further entrenched as a broadband access, cloud interconnect and wide area medium, further distancing itself from legacy TDM services."
Directly quoted, Duffy's 8 Ethernet predictions for the year ahead are, briefly, as follows:
1) "10 Mbps Ethernet is the new T-1."
2) "It’s the beginning of the end for TDM as the primary access technology."
3) "The distinction between Ethernet LAN and WAN blurs."
4) "Metro Ethernet will be redefined – taking the “metro” out of Metro Ethernet"
5) "Private cloud dedicated interconnect really starts to matter."
6) "A breakthrough year for Carrier Ethernet interconnection through CE 2.0."
7) "SDN enables faster delivery of Ethernet services"
8) "'Footprint' remains the Holy Grail for Ethernet providers."
Read the full list, with commentary, at Network World.