HDBase-T Alliance: 'Fight the cable invasion'

Jan. 22, 2015
From the show floor of the recent CES 2015, the HDBase-T Alliance (HDBT) broadcast the following technology infomercial, which scores points for being both entertaining and demonstrative.

From the show floor of the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2015), the HDBase-T Alliance (HDBT) broadcast the following technology infomercial, which scores points for being both entertaining and demonstrative, highlighting the industry consortium's namesake technology.

"We didn't see them coming. With every new appliance, more of them sneaked in. For years, they lived among us, but we chose to ignore them, hiding them from sight. But they have multiplied...Only now do we witness their true monstrosity. Only now, a moment before it's too late, has humanity acknowledged...we are under a CABLE INVASION..."