The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has made its 802.3df-2024 standard specifying 800-Gbit/sec Ethernet available for free download. Officially titled “IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 9: Media Access Control Parameters for 800 Gb/s and Physical Layers and Management Parameters for 400 Gb/s and 800 Gb/s Operation,” the document is available through the IEEE GET Program.
The organization explains, “New IEEE 802 standards are included in the program after they have been published in PDF for six months. All standards available in the IEEE GET 802 program will remain in the program until they are replaced by a superseding document or are withdrawn.”
Draft standards are not part of the program, and users must have or create an IEEE account to access the download.
The IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group develops standards for Ethernet networks. Other standards from 802.3 currently available through the GET program include the following.
- 802.3cx-2023 IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 6: Media Access Control (MAC) Service Interface and Management Parameters to Support Improved Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Timestamping Accuracy
- 802.3de-2022 IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 5: Enhancements to the MAC Merge and Time Synchronization Service Interface for Point-to-Point 10 Mb/s Single Pair Ethernet
- 802.3ck-2022 IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 4: Physical Layser Specifications and Management Parameters for 100 Gb/s, 200 Gb/s, and 400 Gb/s Electrical Interfaces Based on 100 Gb/s Signaling
- 802.3db-2022 IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 3: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 100 Gb/s, 200 Gb/s, and 400 Gb/s Operation over Optical Fiber using 100 Gb/s Signaling
- 802.3cs-2022 IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 2: Physical Layers and Management Parameters for Increased-Reach Point-to-Multipoint Ethernet Optical Subscriber Access (Super-PON)
- 802.3dd-2022 IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 1: Power over Data Lines of Single Pair Ethernet
In addition to the standards developed within 802.3, the GET program also includes standards developed by other IEEE working groups including 802.11 Wireless LANs.
You can find comprehensive information on IEEE’s GET Program here, including links to create an account and access to the free downloadable documents.