It's a pretty safe bet to say that technology icon Steve Jobs never picked up a copy of Cabling Installation & Maintenance magazine, nor did he visit our website using a Mac, iPhone or iPad. In fact, the most recognized connection between Jobs and "cable" could be the visionary's plans for Apple TV as a competitor to cable television.
But the ripples of influence from such an innovative mind flow widely. As one member of our audience reflected, "I believe that without the imagination, tenacity and drive of Steve Jobs, our world would be different. Jobs was part of the PC revolution, several times. When he moved from the PC to the handheld the world changed again." Type "BYOD" into Google and see what happens. A strong argument can be made that Jobs was the father of BYOD, and the impact it is currently having on enterprise networks.
"Others," one nomination said, "have great technology-Google, Microsoft, Oracle-but Jobs was able to package it together like no one else. You can say other companies were always catching up to him."
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